MPC BE Video, Audio and subtitles tab settings Guide

Guide for various setting available in Video, Audio and Subtitle tab in Media Player Classic Black Edition options window.




 System Config:

  • Software : MPC BE 1.5.6 x64
  • Operating System : Windows 10 Pro x64

Embedded subtitle : Subtitle track which is embedded in the video file.
External subtitle : Subtitle track file which is exists as a separate subtitle file.
Text based subtitle :  Subtitle files whose content is the form of texts.
Image based subtitleSubtitle files whose content is the form of images.

Embedded audio file: Audio track which is embedded in the video file.
External audio file : audio track file which is exists as a separate audio file.

Video tab settings

Video Renderer settings

Here user can set which video renderer will be used by MPC-BE for processing and output the video stream.

Video renderer options :
  • Enhanced video renderer :  EVR uses Direct3D 9 API for video rendering. It uses less CPU and GPU compared to  EVR-CP.
  • Enhanced video renderer ( custom presenter) :  EVR-CP uses Direct3D 9 API for video rendering with some customization.
  • Sync video Renderer: Sync video renderer will be used. It is equivalent to EVR-CP  with sync features enabled. It will focus in syncing of video to the display screen.
  • MPC Video renderer : MPC video renderer will be used if it is installed in the computer.
  • Haali Video renderer : Haali video renderer will be used if it is installed in the computer.
  • madVR : madVR video renderer will be used if it is installed in the computer.
  • Null: MPC-BE won't output any video.

EVR-CP and EVR Sync settings

These setting are available only when the Enhanced video renderer ( custom presenter) or Sync video Renderer is selected as the MPC-BE Video Renderer.

Exclusive fullscreen : When this option is checked, the MPC-BE app will run in fullscreen mode with exclusive access on desktop. In Fullscreen exclusive mode the MPC-BE app can fully utilize GPU resources

EVR Buffers : Here user can set the total number of video buffers which will be used by the MPC-BE app. The video buffer uses GPU memory to store uncompressed video frame.

Presentation mode :

  • Copy : Copy mode is used for video presentation.
  • Flip/FlipEx :  Flip/FlipEx mode is used for video presentation. Flip mode present offers better synchronization of video and audio stream. It is available in Windows 7 OS or later.

Surface Format 

Surface refers to area of GPU memory which is used to store the uncompressed frame(image). Each element of the surface holds a pixel. Each pixel is represented by Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) color. 

Surface format setting is about the number of  bits used to store and process each color. It is also called color depth.

Surface format options :

  • 8-bit Integer : 8 bit is used to store and process each of Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) color.
  • 10-bit Integer : 10 bit is used to store and process each of Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) color.
  • 16-bit Floating Point : 16 bit is used to store and process each of Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) color.


Here user can set scaling(resizer) algorithm which will be used to upscale the video. This algorithm will be used to downscale the video until the MPC-BE video frame size becomes less then 50% of the original frame size(resolution) of the video file currently being played in MPC-BE app.

Resizer options :

  • Nearest neighbor : It is most simplest and fast image scaling algorithm. it uses least computing power. Its output is inaccurate.
  • Bilinear : It uses bilinear scaling algorithm. It requires very low computing power. It output image quality is better than nearest neighbor.
  • DXVA2 (Intel GPU only) : It uses DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) 2 for image scaling.
  • DXVA-HD (Intel GPU only) : It uses DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) for image scaling.
  • PS: B-spline : It uses B-spline filter for image scaling. It outputs smooth image. It requires moderate computing power.
  • PS: Mitchell-Netravali : It uses Mitchelll-Netravali filter for image scaling. It outputs sharper image. It requires moderate computing power.
  • PS: Catmull-Rom : It uses Catmull-Rom filter for image scaling. It outputs sharper image. It requires moderate computing power.
  • PS: Bicubic A=-0.6 :
  • PS: Bicubic A=-0.8
  • PS: Bicubic A=-1.0 : It uses Bicubic filter for image scaling. It outputs sharper image. It requires low computing power.
  • PS: Lanczos2 : It uses Lanczos2 filter for image scaling. It outputs sharper image. It requires high computing power.
  • PS 3.0: Lanczos3 : It uses Lanczos3 filter for image scaling. It outputs sharper image. It requires high computing power.


Here user can set scaling algorithm which will be used to downscale the video when the MPC-BE video frame size becomes less then 50% of the original frame size(resolution) of the video file currently being played in MPC-BE app.

Downscaling options :

  • PS: Simple averaging : It uses simple averaging filter for image downscaling. It requires low computing power.
  • PS: Box : It uses Box filter for image downscaling. It requires least computing power. Its output image is not accurate.
  • PS 3.0  Bilinear : It uses Bilinear filter for image downscaling. It requires low computing power.
  • PS 3.0  Hamming : It uses Hamming filter for image downscaling. It requires medium computing power. It ises Pxil Shade 3
  • PS 3.0 Bicubic : It uses Bicubic filter for image downscaling. It requires medium computing power.
  • PS 3.0 Lanczos : It uses Lanczos filter for image downscaling. It requires high computing power.

Reset when changing display:

Output range:

Here user can select the Output RGB color range(levels).

Output range options :

  • 0-255 :
  • 16-235

Default mode

Here user can set the default mode for the MPC-BE video frame size in the MPC-BE window. 

Default mode options :

  • Half size : The MPC-BE video frame size(resolution) will be kept fixed to Half (50%) of the original frame size(resolution) of the Video File.
  • Normal Size : The MPC-BE video frame size(resolution) will be kept fixed to normal (100%) of the original frame size(resolution) of the Video File.
  • Double Size : The MPC-BE video frame size(resolution) will be kept fixed to double (200%) of the original frame size(resolution) of the Video File.
  • Stretch to Window : The MPC-BE video frame will be stretched to fit in the MPC-BE window.
  • Touch Window from Inside : When this option is selected, the MPC-BE video frame will resize such that its frame always remain inside the MPC-BE window. No part of the video frame is cut out of view.
  • Touch Window from Outside : When this option is selected, the MPC-BE video frame will resize such that one of the vertical or the horizontal edge of video frame will touch the MPC-BE window edge. Some part of the video frame is cut out of the view.
  • Zoom 1 :
  • Zoom 2

Color correction

Color controls can be used to alter the Brightness, Contrast and Hue and Saturation of the video. 
This feature can be used when EVR, EVR-CP, madVR or MPC Video render is used as MPC-BE Video Renderer.

Frame Synchronization

Frame synchronization is used avoid tearing of video playback. It cannot guarantee that it will end tearing.

With VSync enabled display monitor does draws image from the video frame front buffer during vertical sync. It avoids tearing.

VSync :  When this option is checked, MPC-BE app uses VSync (Vertical Sync) through Direct3D9.

Internal VSyncWhen this option is checked, MPC-BE app uses its internal VSync (Vertical Sync).

Flush GPU before VSync : MPC-BE sends flush command to GPU before VSync.

Flush GPU after Present : MPC-BE sends flush command to before the present command.

Fullscreen tab settings

Launch files in fullscreen : When this option is checked, MPC-BE app will start the playback of video file in fullscreen mode.

Show controls in fullscreen for

  • Checked : MPC-BE app will show playback control in fullscreen mode.
  • Unchecked : MPC-BE app will not show playback control in fullscreen mode.


When Show controls in fullscreen for  option is checked, user can use the spin control labelled  sec to set the time for which the MPC-BE app controls will be shown. Selecting 0 will auto hide the controls. Selecting -1 will show the controls all the time..

Exit fullscreen at the end of playback :  

  • Checked : MPC-BE app will exit fullscreen mode when the playback of media files in the playlist ends.
  • Unchecked : MPC-BE app will not exit fullscreen mode when the playback of media files in the playlist ends.

Fullscreen monitor : Here user can select the monitor in which MPC-BE will be shown when in fullscreen mode.

Use autochange fullscreen monitor mode: When this option is checked, MPC-BE app will change the monitor resolution and refresh rate when the app is in fullscreen mode.

Example :

With above setting if the video content of the video file has fps which lies between 23.400 fps to 23.988 fps then monitor display mode will be changed to 30 Hz at 3840x2160p.

Change display mode before starting playback : 

  • Checked : MPC-BE app will change the display mode of the monitor before stating the playback of the video.
  • Unchecked :  MPC-BE app will change the display mode of the monitor after starting the playback of the video.

Restore resolution on program exit :

  • Checked : The original resolution and refresh rate setting of the monitor is restored when MPC-BE app exits.
  • Unchecked : The original resolution and refresh rate setting of the monitor is not restored when MPC-BE app exits.

Audio tab settings

Audio Renderer

Here user can select the audio renderer which will process and output the audio to the audio adapter.

Audio renderer options:

  • MPC Audio RendererIt is MPC-BE app inbuilt audio renderer which uses Windows Audio Session API (WASAPI) for audio processing.
  • DirectSound System Default : It uses DirectSound API for audio processing. It will output the audio to the audio adapter which has been set as default audio device in Windows OS.
  • DirectSound : LG Ultra HD (NVIDIA High Definition Audio) : It uses Microsoft DirectSound API for audio rendering. The audio adapter (NVIDIA high definition Audio)  will be used as audio output device. (Note : The audio adapter device name could differ in your case)
  • DirectSound : Speaker (Realtek(R) Audio) : It uses Microsoft DirectSound API for audio rendering.The audio adapter (Realtek(R) Audio) will be used for audio output device.. (Note : The audio adapter device name could differ in your case).
  • Null Audio Renderer (Any) :  When this option is selected MPC-BE won't output any audio.
  • Null Audio Renderer (Uncompressed) :  When this option is selected MPC-BE won't output any audio.

All available Audio Adapter device can be found in Device manager > Sound,video and game controllers.

Dual Output 

Dual output is useful when there are multiple audio adapter device installed in the computer. It can be used to output audio stream to second audio adapter.

Dual Output :

  • Checked : It will enable dual output of Audio signal.
  • Unchecked : It will disable dual output of Audio signal.

User need to select the select teh audio renderer which will be used to output second audio stream.

Audio open settings

Auto-load audio files:

  • Checked : When a  video file is played in MPC-BE app, it will search for external audio track files in the folders specified in the text box. If the external audio track is found whose filename matches the filename of the video file then it will be added to the list of audio tracks in MPC-BE app.
  • Unchecked : MPC-BE app will not add external audio files in MPC-BE.

Prefer external audio files over embedded audio track :

  • Checked : MPC-BE will prefer selection of external audio tracks over the embedded audio tracks.
  • Unchecked : MPC-BE will prefer selection of external audio tracks over the embedded audio tracks.

Sound Processing settings

Channel Mixer settings

This is MPC-BE app inbuilt audio channel mixer.

Mix Channels to

Checked : MPC-BE app will mix the input audio channels to user specified output channels.
Unchecked : MPC-BE app will not mix the input audio channels.


Output audio channel options :

Redirect bass to LFE

Redirect bass to LFE (low frequency effects)  is used to redirect the bass from the front audio channels to the LFE channel of the output.  
When using 5.1, 6.1 or 7.1 speaker system the subwoofer receives LFE channel. 

Redirect bass to LFE :
  • Checked : When this option is enabled
  • Unchecked : 

Center level

Center level slider can be used to increase or decrease the level of center audio channel.

Surround level

Surround level slider can be used to increase and decrease the level of surround audio channels.

Surround channel includes Left,Right, Side Left, Side Right, Back Left and Back Right channel of the audio.

Volume control

Gain slider can be used to increase or decrease the volume level of the audio. It provides constant gain.

To increase the volume gain, do the following:
  • Slide the slider labelled Gain  and set it to a positive value.
To decrease the volume gain, do the following:
  • Slide the slider labelled Gain  and set it to a negative value.

Auto volume control

Auto volume level : When this option is checked, MPC-BE app will automatically boost audio

Output sample format

Here user can select which output audio bit depths is allowed in MPC-BE app.

Audio time Shift

The MPC-BE inbuilt audio time shift feature is used to time shift the audio track.

The audio time shift is done in millisecond (ms) unit.

1 second = 1000 millisecond


To play audio track delayed(late), user need to enter a positive value for Audio time shift.

To play audio track early(in advance), user need to enter a negative value for Audio time shift.

Example :

To play the audio track 1 second delayed, set Audio time shift (ms) to 1000.

To play the audio track 4.5 second delayed, set Audio time shift (ms) to 4500.

To play the audio track 2.3 second in advance, set Audio time shift (ms) to -2300.

To play the audio track 5.25 second delayed, set Audio time shift (ms) to -5250.

Subtitles tab settings


Subtitle renderer

Here user can select the subtitle renderer which will process and output the subtitle.

Autoload paths

Autoload paths settings is used to load external subtitle files from the paths specified in the text box labelled Autoload paths. Auto-load feature will auto load only those external subtitle track whose filename matches the filename of the Media File being played.

Subtitle paths entered in the Autoload paths must be separated by semicolon (;)

 To add path named E:\Subtitles in the Autoload paths, append ;E:\Subtitles

 Prefer external audio files over embedded audio track :

  • Checked : MPC-BE will prefer selection of external audio tracks over the embedded audio tracks.
  • Unchecked : MPC-BE will prefer selection of external audio tracks over the embedded audio tracks.

Ignore Embedded Subtitle :

  • Checked : MPC-BE will not load subtitles embedded in the video file.
  • Unchecked : MPC-BE will load subtitles embedded in the video file.

Auto-reload subtitles files after detecting modification : When this option is checked, if any modification is detected in the content of the external subtitle file which has been selected for display ithen MPC-BE app will reload that subtitle file.

Use Subresync : When this option is checked,MPC-BE subresync feature can be used to resynchronize the subtitle track.

Subresync can be turned on and off from the View > Subresync Menu. (Shorcut keys : Ctrl + 6)

Online database

Rendering tab settings

Override placement settings

Here you can do setting for precise placement of subtitles on the screen.

To do so do the followings:

  • Select Subtitles > Rendering tab.
  • Enable Override placement.
  • Horizontal spin control allows user to set the placement of subtitle along the horizontal axis.
  • Vertical spin control allows user to set the placement of subtitle along the vertical axis.

Delay Interval

The MPC-BE inbuilt subtitle time shift feature is useful when the subtitle track is out of sync with the video & audio track during playback.


In MPC-BE Subtitle time shifting works using keyboard shortcuts and the Delay interval settings done in Subtitles > Rendering > Delay interval.

Delay interval setting is done in milliseconds (ms) unit.

1 second = 1000 millisecond


To play the subtitle track delayed(late) by time specified in Delay interval, user need to use keyboard shortcut F1.

To play the subtitle track early (in advance) by time specified in Delay interval, user need to use keyboard shortcut F2.

Example :

To play the subtitle track delayed by 1 second with Delay Interval set to 500 ms, user need to press F1 key two(1000 ms / 500 ms = 2) times.

To play the subtitle track in advance by 3.5 second with Delay Interval set to 500 ms, user need to press F2 key seven(3500 ms / 500 ms = 7) times.

Texture settings

Sub pictures to buffer : Here user can set the number of subtitles lines that will be stored in buffer. Value between 0 to  60 is allowed.

Buffer consumes GPU memory.

Maximum texture resolution 

Here user can set the maximum texture resolution of subtitle which will be displayed on the MPC-BE screen. 

Maximum texture resolution options:

Using high texture resolution will consume more GPU memory.

Example :
Texture resolution : 1920x1080 , sub pictures buffer : 10, GPU memory usage for buffer : approx 85 MB  .
Texture resolution : 1920x1080 , sub pictures buffer : 60, GPU memory usage for buffer : approx 510 MB  .

Texture resolution : 3840x2160 , sub pictures buffer : 10, GPU memory usage for buffer : approx 320 MB  .

Default Style tab

Here user can do settings for styling of text based subtitles.

User can also set the sreen alignment of subtitle.

Font Group Box
  • Fonts : Here you can set the font , font style and font size which will be used to display the subtitles. To do so click on the fonts button.
  • Spacing : Here you can set the spacing between the letters in the subtitle.
  • Angle (z,°) : Here you can set the angle ( in degree)  at which the subtitle will be shown.
  • Scale (x,%) : Scale the subtitle ( in percentage ) along its horizontal axis.
  • Scale (y,%) : Scale the subtitle ( in percentage ) along its vertical axis


Border Style Group Box

The setting allows user to set how the Border of the subtitle will look.

There are two styles for the border

  1. Outline : Selecting this shows border as outline of the subtitle
  2. Opaque box : Selecting this shows the border as an opaque box around the subtitle.

  • Border width allows the user to set the width of the border.
  • Shadow Depth allows the user to set the width of the shadow of the subtitle.


Colours & Transparency Group Box



In the title it says transparency, but the setting is about Opacity level(in percentage). Setting it to 100% means the subtitles will be shown with 100% Opacity. Setting it to 0% means the subtitles will be shown with 0% Opacity.

  • Primary : Set the color & opacity of the subtitle text.
  • Secondary : Set the color & opacity of the highlighted subtitle.
  • Outline : Set the color & opacity of the outlined border of the subtitle.
  • Shadow : Set the color & opacity of the shadow of the subtitle.

Subtitle Screen Alignment & margins Group Box

  • By selecting the radio button user can set the alignment of subtitles relative to the screen.
  • The spin control labelled Left,Right,Top and Bottom allows user to set the margins from the  respective edge of the screen . Subtitle will not be displayed in margin area.

Position subtitle relative to the video frame
  • Checked :  The subtitle will be positioned relative to the video frame.
  • Unchecked : The subtitle will be positioned relative to the MPC-BE app window frame.

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